Hello everyone! The response to our blog has been overwhelming to say the least. God is so good and His people are faithful! I want to start by giving God all glory and honor for what He has and will do during our adoption process. He is truly faithful and able to do great and mighty things.
As many of you know, the financial burden of an adoption is a considerable one. After reading many blogs about adoption journeys, I have come to see that this is a worry and concern for may families. I have also learned something else. In every blog that I read I see people, church family and friends coming together in unity to fulfill God's plan for adoption. James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of
our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. I want to share with you what God has allowed.
We decided to do the only thing that we can do about the financial situation. GIVE IT TO GOD! I mean, that should be a no brainer right? lol It's amazing how faithless we can be some times. Well, about a week ago I felt that God was telling me that I should really try and promote this blog. I kept feeling like the more people that read it, the more people will see God's hand in it all and He will be glorified. I had an idea to start using two of the biggest social media sites out there. Facebook and Twitter. In the last week, our blog has been retweeted by people like Mark Lowery, Ernie Haas, Dean Hopper, The Bowling Family and Catalyst to over 55,000 people!! Can you believe that? 55,000 people have had access to our link! We have had tons of people accessing our blog from all over the US and many different countries.
Well, I have been asking God to move in the hearts of His people and those who are reading to bring them closer to Him in some way. Then it hit me. God is allowing me access to thousands of people who may want to help us in our journey. Many people are looking for opportunities to help with something like this. I then begin to think, what if only half of those people donated $1.00 toward our adoption effort? We would have already raised our funds. lol How awesome would that be. I called PayPal and asked about putting a donate now button on our blogs but they said I would have to have Non-Profit status. Well, we don't so that was out. Then I thought, why can't I just add my personal account with a pay now button? People who want to give online can and people who want to give directly can just send to us.
We are going to accept donations! If you want to help us bring baby Anderson home from Ethiopia and fulfill God's plan for our family then please feel free to donate any amount. Every little bit helps. Our fist step is to pay for our Home Study. That is going to cost $1,500. That money will be due in about a month. We have been selling items on ebay and I have been selling my old baseball cards to help in the effort. So far we have around $700.00. We sill need another $800.00.
We are already fully invested in this process and are planning other opportunities to raise funds as well. We recognize that adoption may not be possible for everyone, so this might be one way to partner with us in fulfilling our dreams for ministry and family. If you would like to donate toward our adoption, you can make out a check to
Zachary or Lauren Anderson
Mail to: 2825 West Wayside Dr.
Owensboro, KY 42301
OR you can just click the pay now option below and choose an amount. Anything raised over our adoption amount will be donated to Care Net pregnancy center of Owensboro.
Another huge way to help us is to partner with us in prayer! Pray for us and our baby! Pray for the health of our babies Mother and the health of our child. God knows what He is doing and we trust Him 100%. Thank you all for praying or donating. May God receive all the Glory and Honor! Great things are coming.
You can follow my wife's blog at rosebud76.blogspot.com
You can create a personal account, and provide your readers with the info.
ReplyDeleteGreat Idea, Thanks! Got it up and going!