Hello everyone, it has been a few days sense my last blog. We have accomplished a lot over the last few days. I am so excited I can't seem to focus on much else. I have to remember that I still have a life and responsibilities lol. It's just that i have been wanting to be a Daddy for so very long! I have to keep relying on Psalm 130:5. Wait on God's timing for it is perfect! I know that God has this in His right hand.
When I have read this verse in the past, the waiting part makes sense, but I guess I never payed much attention to the soul part. When I read the verse this time it made perfect sense to me, especially the soul part. Waiting with the body is one thing, but when your soul is waiting it's something all-together different. This kind of waiting is an urgent, exciting, hand wringing waiting. A burning deep down in my heat type of waiting.
This kind of waiting has been even more evident this weekend as we are in Paducah celebrating Lauren and Huston's (My Nephew) Birthday. Seeing the excitement in the eyes of my little Nephew as he gets ready for everyone to come in the kitchen and start the singing is priceless. He runs in here and tells everyone "Party Time"! lol It's awesome to watch Huston and my Niece Lilly do what they do. They are both so different in so may ways. It's funny to watch. I also watch my Brother and Sister in law as they parent. They are great parents and I see that unconditional love in them as they love their children. I look at all they have learned and how different they are now than they were when Huston was first born. I can't wait to experience all of that. The ups and downs of Parenting as well as the learning process that comes with it all.
I can't help but think that this time next year we will have a little human being to parent. WOW! What a responsibility! Bing responsible for another life has to be a huge weight. Even though it is a huge responsibility I am more than ready for it. I keep thinking about what the Bible says about raising children.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 KJV) I believe that with all of my heart. My life and Lauren's are a testimony to this. Many of our friends lives as well. Our parents raised us up in the admonition of the Lord and we love Him today. Did we make our mistakes? YES, but we knew where to turn for help and restoration. Our Lord Jesus Christ and His church.
Even thought we know that this is going to be a long process, we are ready for it. In fact I welcome it. This process means that we are getting closer to meeting baby Anderson. I can't wait for that day!
Baby Anderson,
Mommy and Daddy are one step closer to meeting you. I can't wait to look into your eyes and tell you that I love you and that you are home safe and sound. What a day that will be. I may not put you down for a week....or two. lol Love Daddy!
You can follow my wife's blog about our adoption HERE
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Redbud Dr,Paducah,United States
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